Saturday, 6 July 2013

Canada: a short movie of some wildlife highlights

As always, click the cog to watch what YouTube laughingly call HD, which actually bears no resemblance to the quality of the original version. Honest! As this movie has a soundtrack copyrighted by EMI, You Tube will also prevent you watching it in certain countries... welcome to the 21st century. 


  1. Nice vid Tom very envious of your trip and the critters and birds you saw.It's always a bit of a cat & mouse game with Youtube to find 'unrecognised' music and so avoiding a load of advertising being slapped accross your video :-/ Did you film it on a DSLR?
    What did you use as your editing software?

  2. Thanks Badger. All the photos and video were filmed on a Canon 7D. I then threw the clips together and trimmed them a bit using Adobe Premiere Elements. Like Photoshop, I have the feeling I only use and understand about 0.5% of the potential capacity, but there you go. Think I may look round to see if there is a better alternative to You Tube, one with slightly less concern for global corporate copyright perhaps?
